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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
oCBinaryKmerWriter< KVpair >
oCDisjointSetDisjoint Set data structure. Helps to test the acyclicity of the graph during construction
oCFileReader< keyType, valueType >
|oCcompressFileReader< keyType, valueType >
|oCKmerFileReader< keyType, valueType >
|oCMultivalueFileReaderWriter< keyType, valueType >
|\CtaxoTreeBuilder< keyType, valueType >
oCHasher32< keyType >A hash function that hashes keyType to uint32_t. When SSE4.2 support is found, use sse4.2 instructions, otherwise use default hash function std::hash
oCIOHelper< keyType, valueType >Interface for converting a key from its raw format to a keyTypeype. Split key into groups
|\CConstantLengthKmerHelper< keyType, valueType >IOHelper for Constant-Length Kmers
oCIOHelper< keyType, IOvalueType >
oCKmerReader< keyType >
|oCBinaryKmerReader< keyType >
|\CSortedKmerTxtReader< keyType >Read kmer from unsorted txt file and sort
oCKmerReader< KVpair >
|\CBinaryKmerReader< KVpair >
oCKVpair< keyType, valueType >
oCMulOth< keyType, IOvalueType >Describes the data structure Grouped l-Othello. It classifies keys of keyType into 2^L classes.
The keys are first classifed into groups, each group is then maintained by one l-Othello
oCMulOthIndex< keyType >MulOthIndex is a extended version of OthelloIndex, it supports more than 2^29 keys.
The keys are first classifed into groups, each group is then maintained by one OthelloIndex
\COthello< keyType >Describes the data structure l-Othello. It classifies keys of keyType into 2^L classes
 \COthelloIndex< keyType >OthelloIndex is a data structure that stores a minimum perfect hash function.
For n keys, the query value of keys range in [0..n-1] Query always returns uint32_t